Our text messaging campaigns are targeted to your existing list of customers or prospects. We'll setup your text messaging campaign, your lists, and provide you with reporting. We can also help you develop a list with an opt-in Keyword that people can text to a number dedicated to your list. Contact us for more information on that.
Most typical usage of a Text Message Campaign:
Businesses want a better way to communicate sales, promotions and events to customers and prospects; or are looking for a lower cost lead conversion. We send mass-texts to their qualified list of contacts.
Typical text message campaign we run:
We set up your list on the Textedly SMS platform and chain your billing method to the account. Monthly sends typically start at around $70.00 a month per send. The exact amount depends on your list size.
Features Included:
Text Message Replies directly to your inbox, send to any size list, pay for only the contacts delivered to. Campaign resends and setup of new campaigns only $50.00 per campaign.* If you are an existing customer and would like to purchase more sends, please start a monthly sending subscription.
Typical Turn Around Time:
7 Business Days from the date that you place your order.
*Setup fee initially $500, resends and new campaigns are $50.00 per send.